In the News: Cabin Fever

*There have been various academic debates about the benefits and downsides to prehistoric lifestyles and diets. Apparently, however, some people aren’t waiting to see the next journal article and are trying it out themselves. The “philosophy is based on the idea that the human body is best suited to the lifestyle of the people who roamed the Earth tens of thousands of years ago” – this includes running across the Brooklyn Bridge barefoot!

*Following-up on a post I had a couple of weeks ago on Haiti’s health concerns going forward – an article from last week’s NYTimes on Haiti’s fight against TB and a report from Dr. Tom Kirsch on advanced TB and HIV/AIDS in Haiti from Haiti: Operational Biosurveillance.

*Interesting report on ABC WorldNews on changes to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. What is normal and what is a ‘disorder’? Do we, as a culture, over diagnosis? I tend to lean towards ‘yes’, but can a label sometimes serve a positive purpose and allow individuals to self-advocate? What makes this all more complicated is how the changes in diagnosis procedures will affect prescriptions, insurance, drug companies, education, etc. Complicated and messy.

*Don’t forget, the Vancouver Olympics start tomorrow (Feb. 12)! They may not be that related to health, but I definitely think the Olympics, at the very least, will do a little good for everyone’s well-being!

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